Wouaaaaa!! elle est trop mimi ta BD et super rogolotte, chapeau bas et c’est pas à cause du soleil, un peu de fraîcheur dans un monde de brut c’est chouette… BISES DE NOUS 2
Thiru,Thx for the reply,we all outside india doing lot for peolpe and thinking so globally and trying to become global citizens still my own brothers in TN , oh noa group has wasted their lives in 19601970′spl dont do this mistake again,Life is wide, do something in the field, dont try to spread hatred towards any fellow human beings.wht to say,i understood the contents that is why am writing to you again and again.anbudanMayil
936cba9Recent topics dcsiussed in my anthropology class have centered around the theme of disapora which, as I have come to understand the term, refers to a sense of displacement, the absence of a home. In class we have explored extensively the isolation certain groups commonly labeled different, often foreign, who appear unwelcomed by elements of American culture (to the limited extent that American culture can be defined). Such conversations have really made me think about the work we do at the Suitcase Clinic, and efforts volunteers make to not only provide clients with important resources, but also to create a supportive community in which all people can feel a sense of belonging.Sometimes it is easy to get wrapped up in the extensive services we offer clients- from with medical resources to connections with employment programs- that I forget the most important service we can provide is an eager listener. While it is easy to state out loud that no two people have the same story, one might naturally construct assumptions about a cliente28099s past and current situation. However, just as we have dcsiussed in anthropology, no aspect of the human experience is universal- including the experience of homelessness. Furthermore, grand assumptions which persist in the U.S. about homelessness and related topics (such as mental illness, unemployment, etc.) create invisible but powerful social boundaries much of the population remains hesitant to approach. The common misconception that all employed people are lazy or the mentally ill are all dangerous prevent, for example, many from investigating on their own solutions to homelessness and ways to provide aid for a struggling population.What are we supposed to do with the awareness we have gained from class and our experience at clinic? So many problems surrounding issues of homelessness simply seem too big for students to tackle especially with such limited resources.Again, communication is most powerful- in and outside of clinic. Especially in Berkeley, the topic of homelessness is bound to come up in many conversations in a plethora of venues. Questioning assumptions friends and peers might hold about the homeless and encouraging them to look at situations from a different point remain of vital importance. I have heard many expressions of frustrations late that the homeless have taken over Sproul and simply done28099t belong there. Regardless of onee28099s opinion on the Occupy Movement, it would seem valid to ask these frustrated passers-by where they themselves might chose to pitch a tent if that tent were their only home. To eliminate diaspora, it seems, is a completely relevant goal of the Suitcase Clinic.Upon volunteering at General Clinic, I got to see one of our clients approach our big group of volunteers and just thanks everybody for the support we had provided- just a thank you for talking. His gratitude was simply moving and refreshed my hope in our cause.19cabb
hahhahahahahah c’est génial !!!!!!!!! dessins topissime et oui exact 27ans now c dangerous
Wouaouuuuh j’adore !! La vie privée des stars
Je suis fan !!
cool cool cool, le texte et le coup de crayon
j’adore les dessins et les textes
Nice drawing, nice story, well done !!!
J’en veux encore super mimi
Bravo Paulina ! Vivement la prochaine !
Wouaaaaa!! elle est trop mimi ta BD et super rogolotte, chapeau bas et c’est pas à cause du soleil, un peu de fraîcheur dans un monde de brut c’est chouette… BISES DE NOUS 2
Trop fan !!!!!! Les dessins sont géniaux, j’aime trop la chute !!!!
Waww très chouette Paulina ! Bravo ! Vivement la prochaine
ahhhahhh!! love it!!!!
Thiru,Thx for the reply,we all outside india doing lot for peolpe and thinking so globally and trying to become global citizens still my own brothers in TN , oh noa group has wasted their lives in 19601970′spl dont do this mistake again,Life is wide, do something in the field, dont try to spread hatred towards any fellow human beings.wht to say,i understood the contents that is why am writing to you again and again.anbudanMayil
936cba9Recent topics dcsiussed in my anthropology class have centered around the theme of disapora which, as I have come to understand the term, refers to a sense of displacement, the absence of a home. In class we have explored extensively the isolation certain groups commonly labeled different, often foreign, who appear unwelcomed by elements of American culture (to the limited extent that American culture can be defined). Such conversations have really made me think about the work we do at the Suitcase Clinic, and efforts volunteers make to not only provide clients with important resources, but also to create a supportive community in which all people can feel a sense of belonging.Sometimes it is easy to get wrapped up in the extensive services we offer clients- from with medical resources to connections with employment programs- that I forget the most important service we can provide is an eager listener. While it is easy to state out loud that no two people have the same story, one might naturally construct assumptions about a cliente28099s past and current situation. However, just as we have dcsiussed in anthropology, no aspect of the human experience is universal- including the experience of homelessness. Furthermore, grand assumptions which persist in the U.S. about homelessness and related topics (such as mental illness, unemployment, etc.) create invisible but powerful social boundaries much of the population remains hesitant to approach. The common misconception that all employed people are lazy or the mentally ill are all dangerous prevent, for example, many from investigating on their own solutions to homelessness and ways to provide aid for a struggling population.What are we supposed to do with the awareness we have gained from class and our experience at clinic? So many problems surrounding issues of homelessness simply seem too big for students to tackle especially with such limited resources.Again, communication is most powerful- in and outside of clinic. Especially in Berkeley, the topic of homelessness is bound to come up in many conversations in a plethora of venues. Questioning assumptions friends and peers might hold about the homeless and encouraging them to look at situations from a different point remain of vital importance. I have heard many expressions of frustrations late that the homeless have taken over Sproul and simply done28099t belong there. Regardless of onee28099s opinion on the Occupy Movement, it would seem valid to ask these frustrated passers-by where they themselves might chose to pitch a tent if that tent were their only home. To eliminate diaspora, it seems, is a completely relevant goal of the Suitcase Clinic.Upon volunteering at General Clinic, I got to see one of our clients approach our big group of volunteers and just thanks everybody for the support we had provided- just a thank you for talking. His gratitude was simply moving and refreshed my hope in our cause.19cabb